Μενού Κλείσιμο

Ερευνητικές Περιοχές

Τα ερευνητικά ενδιαφέροντα των μελών ΔΕΠ του εργαστηρίου εντοπίζονται κυρίως στις ακόλουθες επιστημονικές περιοχές: Mathematical Modelling, Applied and Computational Mathematics, Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations, Asymptotic Analysis, Combinatorial Optimization, Spectral Graph Theory, Infinite Dimensional Dynamical Systems, Nonlinear Dynamical Systems, String Theories, Quantum Field Theory, Set Theoretic Topology, Set Theory, Analysis and Algebra, High Dimensional Topology, K-Theory, Equivariant Topology, Metric Topology, Hamiltonian Mechanics, Lattice Dynamics, Wave equations, Operator Theories with emphasis on physical systems, Theoretical and Computational Fluid Mechanics, Stochastic Models in Operations Research, Markov Decision Models, Stochastic Dynamic Programming, Population Models in Epidemiology and in Ecology, Models for the optimal routing of vehicles that deliver products to customers, Cryptography/Cryptanalysis, Cybersecurity, Wireless Communications, Parallel/Distributed and Mobile Computing, Intelligent Decision Making Systems and Knowledge Representation Models.